Monday, November 27, 2006



Apresento uma lista de livros que penso serem fundamentais para os estudos de mestrado em Sistemas de Comunicação Multimédia. Destaco com cores os que penso serem mais adequados para o ponto de partida.

História e abordagem sobre human-computer interface (HCI)

AA.VV. - The art of human-computer interface design,
Org. Brenda Laurel, Boston, Adison-Wesley, 1990

AA.VV. - The New Media Reader, Org. Nick Montfort,
Cambridge, MIT Press, 2003 (Existe na biblioteca)

BENEDIKT, Michael, Cyberspace: First Steps, Cambridge, MIT
Press, 1992

JENSEN, Jens F., Interactivity:Tracking a New ConceptMedia
and Communication Studies, 1998,

LAUREL, Brenda, Computer as Theatre, Reading, Addison-
-Wesley, 1991

MCMILLAN, Sally J., Exploring Models of Interactivity from
Multiple Research Traditions: Users, Documents, And

PACKER, Randal e JORDAN, Ken, Multimedia: From Wagner to
Virtual Reality, London, Norton, 2001

SHNEIDERMAN, Ben, Designing the User Interface: Strategies
for Effective Human-Computer Interaction, Reading,
Addison Wesley Longman, 1998

Imersão e RV

BIOCCA & DELANEY, Immersive Virtual Reality
Technology,«Communicationthe age of Virtual Reality»,
Hillsdale, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1995

GRAU, Olivier, Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion,
Cambridge, MIT Press, 2003 (Existe na biblioteca)

GUBERN, Román, O eros electrónico: viagem pelos sistemas de
representação e do desejo, Lisboa, Editorial Notícias,

HEIN, Michael, Virtual Realism, New York, Oxford University
Press, 1998

MURRAY, Janet, Hamlet on the Holodeck - The Future of
narrative Cyberspace, New York, The Free Press, 1997

PIMENTEL, Ken & TEIXEIRA, Kevin, Virtual Reality: Through
the new looking glass, 1ª edição, New York, McGraw-Hill,

RYAN, Marie-Laure, Immersion vs. Interactivity: Virtual
Reality and Literary Theory, 1994,

TURKLE, Sherry, O Segundo Eu, os Computadores e o Espírito
Humano, Lisboa, Presença, 1989

Digital Art

AA.VV. – Code: The Language of Our Time, número temático da
revista Ars Electrónica, Gutemberg-Werbering, Hatje

AA.VV. - New Screen Media: Cinema, Art, Narrative, Org.
Martin Rieser e Andrea Zapp, London, British Film
Institute, 2002 (Existe na biblioteca)

ENGELI, Maia, Digital Stories: The Poetics of
Communication, Basel, Birkhäuser, 2000

Interfaces e Jogos de computador

AA. VV. - Game On: the History and Culture of Video
Games, Org. Lucien King, London, Laurence King, 2002

CRAWFORD, Cris, The Art of Computer Game Design,

JOHNSON, Steven, Interface Culture: How new technology
transforms the way we create and communicate, 2ed., New
York, Basic Books, 1997

JUUL, Jesper, A brief note on games and narratives

ZIMMERMAN, Eric, “Narrative, Interactivity, Play, and
Games: Four Naughty Concepts in Need of Discipline”, in
First Person: New Media as Story, Performance, and Game,
London, Mit Press, 2004

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